Saturday, May 30, 2009

Life Goes On

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Dress - Online, Shoes - Swirl Swap Swop, Headband - Harbourfront Centre


  1. Hi there-I'm so sorry to hear of your break up, it will take time to get over after being with him for so long, take care my dear. I love this red dress on you, its simply gorgeous!

  2. you look great
    and aobut the bf
    sorry to hear .
    its hard to make those decision but im glad you did what felt right.

  3. oh, cheers.. i know how it feels! i admit it, i love love love seiing you two together, the combination of you and your melayu bf is somehow so cute..
    cheers qin!

  4. Your dress is beautiful ! Sorry for your boyf :(

  5. Thanks for your sweet comments. :) Love the red dress :)

  6. this dress suits you incredibly well!

  7. Ohhh sweetie :( Take as long as you need, break ups are the worst thing. Stay strong :) You look gorgeous in the pictures xoxo

  8. Oh no :( I hope you're ok and coming to terms with the break up. Breaking up is so tough especially when you've been with someone for that long and so it's understandable that you may not update for a while. Hugs xxx

  9. Oh darling Q I am sorry sorry for your pain at the breakup! But dare I say you are looking better than ever, and you will come out on the other side of this stronger and wiser!

    Love that red dress, btw!


  10. Cute outift! i like the dress :) and the cuff is just gorgeous!
    :'( ull find a better guy soon enough!
    thanks for the comment! great blog...
    Ty Ty

  11. this is so cute i love your dress!

  12. Ohmigosh! I love this outfit so much. The dress. The headband. The jewelry. The shoes. It's so fabulous. I want every bit of it. You look adorable! :)

  13. I love your hot red dress, very confident for a girl who is going through a tough time. I wish you luck and I am sorry that things have ended, but hopefully it was for the best.

  14. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you'll feel better soon!

  15. Aw, I'm so sorry! I hate endings. But I can imagine exactly what you feel.
    If you need anyone to talk to, don't be shy! :)

    if it's any consolation, you look great and red looks absolutly stunning on you!

  16. Thanks :)
    I'm like addicted to tumblr now.

  17. ah... poor baby. yes life does go on but it will take time. take care, spend time with girl friends, that always help me!

  18. Oh sweetie I'm so, so sorry. I wish I could reach in the computer and hug you!
    Rian and I broke up for four days and during those four days I was miserable. I couldn't eat, sleep, or even think about fashion. My dad had to force me to go shopping. It was hell. So I can't even imagine what you must be going through, having this be over for good...
    I know you're miserable right now, but just remember that one day you will be happy again. You're going to meet a great guy and life will be amazing.
    If it's any consolation, you are beautiful. The dress is adorable and I am freaking out about that super cute bracelet on your wrist.
    If you want to write me, here is my e-mail: My shoulder is always here for you to lean on! :)

  19. The dress with your headband is so cute!!


  20. oh baby hope you feel better! you look beautiful here, im sure youll have to fight the boys off now ;)

  21. omg thats so sad.. i don't know how you feel, but i can imagine.. blogging is really not priority atm so just take your time.. cause it does take a lot of time to get over it.. and find your peace good luck girl =)

  22. I'm so sorry to hear about that. Ice cream and girlfriends are great remedies :)

    Lookin' good in red!

  23. Cute outfit. I'm sorry about your bf. That's always hard.

  24. OMG I love your dress!!!!
    Polka dots and red is a match made in heaven!!!
    You look adorable, dear


  25. Oh and I'm sooooooo sorry you broke with BF :(
    I know it hurts, dear!!!
    But this also shall pass, and you'll smile happy again, I'm sure.

    Lots of love

  26. I love your dress!

    And ah goddamn, I'm sorry :[ If you ever need an impartial ear for anything, you know where to find me. I've had a boyfriend for a while and we've gone through a lot of rough patches, so I may be able to understand what you're going through. Feel better<3 :]

  27. looooooove that dress - it looks amazing on you!!!!!!

  28. oh dear, i hope you'll be feeling better soon, you must be going through a really tough time right now.

    well, if it helps, i love the bright red headband! it makes me think of school girls and summer days from when i was younger :-)

  29. u look gr8 in red;D and don't worry - everything will be fine, it just takes some time;))) take care;*

  30. I'm so sorry to hear that your relationship ended =( Eat lots and lots of ice cream dear... I love your dress & headband though! Hopefully you'll be back soon and in absolute fabulous force!

  31. Oh Yiqin! So sorry to hear that! Hubby & I had a very rollercoaster-ride relationship over 10+ years, so I definitely know where you are, so big hugs to you!!! Consolation is that you look absolutely fab in these pics/dress! ;)

    This is one of my fave quotes:

    "Today that seems so sad & bitter, will be tomorrow's yesterday", please know that this is true.


  32. Darling dress!

    I'm sorry that you two broke up. I hope you feel better. You are an amazing person! :)

  33. Im so sorry to hear that.. I hope you feel better soon.. a break up is always hard :( This outfit is gorgeous and you look so pretty :)

  34. you'll get through this girl! time always helps. you look beautiful in that pretty red dress btw :]

  35. im sorry to hear about the boy, but you look great. the red really sits you and flatters your figure. i hope things get better for you dear. <3

  36. Oh poor girl, I'm so sorry to hear that! I know it's tough but I do hope you feel better soon.

    You look beautiful in these photos. :)

  37. Pretty dress.
    I'm so sorry about you and your boy. I hope things start to look better soon.

  38. oh no i'm sorry about the boyfriend ): i understand that it can be hard but don't worry i bet you still look super stylish and you're always super cute!

  39. Hey babe! Cheer up please! Im actually going through what you're going through right now too. And although its been 1 month since we broke up, i still feel the pain and the emptiness but i know all these would be gone very, very soon! You still have us anyway! Keep blogging! ;)

  40. I'm so sorry to hear about your break up.
    I love your dress and the bracelet - very cute.

  41. Qin so sorry for the breakup.. Hope everything turns out okay in due time.. You have a pretty dress BTW!

  42. Sorry, for the break up. It's a total loss for your ex-boyfriend, bc you look amazing in the red dress!


  43. I'm sorry to hear about the breakup....but you'll be alright. And fighting the guys off, look at this killer outfit. I adore! That dress is divine, and paired with the hair band and the insane geek chic glasses = fabulous!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend bella

  44. You can ask your family to do the pictures.Remember we are individuals, you must take care of yourself and try to be happy on your own, without needing anything.A couple is a good thing but the most important thing is to be fullfilled by yourself.
    Take care darling.

  45. I'm so sorry Qin! I hope you feel better soon!
    Your red dress is so lovely! xxxxxx

  46. aaaw baby! i'm sorry :( 3 years is a long time. they say it all the time, but with time everything heals. it does! cos after a while you kind of just forget. but take it slow!

    p.s. great outfit by the way :)

  47. Great outfit! Red looks fab on you.

    I'm so sorry about your break-up. That must be awful :(

  48. Great outfit! Red looks fab on you.

    I'm so sorry about your break-up. That must be awful :(

  49. So sorry to hear about your break up dear. But like you said, everytime will pick up with time :) Be strong dear.

    Love the dress on you, it's so pretty!

  50. So sorry about your break-up. I know it's very hard, 3 years is a very long time. You look great though. Love the dress! red looks amazing on you.

  51. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon! <3
    Lovely outfit :)

  52. oh dearie i'm so sorry :[ that must be tough, but you'll get through it! eat lots of ice cream, and keep looking hot! :D but really, you look great and i love that dress :)

  53. I'm so sorry about your breakup. You'll be okay tho and you've got all of us here who have your back. So don't worry about the lack of updates. We all understand. Anyway you look super cute in these pictures, I love the dress!

  54. soory ti hear about the bf..

    you look great! the red dress looks amazing on you

  55. lovely homepage banner!

  56. Hi! I passed you an award! hope it's cheering you up!


  57. don't apologize.
    feel better deario
    xx-LJ from SOS!

  58. awww hun, i hope you get better. lovely outfit. simple, but lovely.

  59. Aw, I feel for you! Breaking up sucks but it can only get better from here. You look lovely in this pic!

  60. you need some time to heal........
    you are adorable and do NOT forget thAt!!!!!!!
    XX C.

  61. I hope you feel better. I like your dress

  62. Sorry about the break-up, I hate to be alone also. Good luck with everything.

  63. Sorry about the break up. I hope things get better.

  64. Oh no, hun! That must be such a terrible experience. I can see it must be hard, your adorable cute smile is not in these photos! I hope you are okay :(

  65. red is def your color!

    sorry about the breakup. i hope you feel better soon!

  66. I'm sorry for your break up. Take your time to cope with it...even sad things happen for a reason. You'll learn something from this and get over it wiser .

    PS: You look fantastic!

  67. I love that dress!
    sorry about the breakup. Let time do his job

  68. I hope you feel better soon. Breakups are never easy but you'll definately pull through :) You look absolutely adorable in this pretty red dress!


  69. Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through a rough time :(

    *hugs* I broke up with my boyfriend of 7 years just last year and it was SO hard. We'd been together since we were 13... I know how difficult the adjustment can be. Take care of yourself.

    You looks absolutely gorgeous, by the way.

    xox, mavi

  70. i send you hugs hugs and more hugs! things are yucky right now but they wont be forever!

  71. i am so sorry to hear that qin. i know how it feels but trust me it will be better with time.
    sending you some cyber hugs.

    for what it's worth, you look fantastic, break up and all.

    for what it's worth.

  72. Sorry to hear about your break up, things like that can be so difficult. You do look fabulous though.

  73. I am so sorry to hear that; I'm hugging you vicariously, virtually!

    You look lovely though.

    La C.

  74. Love your red dress! so cute,


  75. love your outfit!

    I am so sorry about your bf. Hope you feel better soon :)

  76. Ah hope you're ok, loving the red dress!

  77. I'm sorry to hear about you and your break-up. Wishing your heart a speedy recovery. It will take some time, but just remember that you are amazing!

  78. You look so cute! Digging your blog.. but sorry about the break-up. But life does go on and you'll come out stronger.

    xo, Becs

  79. i love the dress
    and im terribly sorry about what happened, breaking up is hard to do. but i do hope you feel better soon :)

  80. oh babe you will have to to start from new a fresh new start
    look at tomorow as a whole new challenge and good luck
    i love the red on you btw

  81. it's awful that you are going through such a tough time. hang in there. it'll get easier everyday!

  82. Love your dress ! You look so pretty !

  83. Hey :( Feel better.

    You look adorable as always (and I didn't know you had a tumblr! I just bookmarked the same Vogue China editorial).

  84. You should take off as much time as you need and just be with your self -- and try to have fun. Your dress is beautiful and so are you. I hope that you feel better soon.

  85. u look fabulous! we invite u to meet us!

  86. Yiqin. I am so empathetic to your pain right now. I've been through a similar heartache fairly recently too. Please please please surround yourself with family anf friends, do the activities that you enjoyed doing and take the time to heal yourself. We will miss you in your absences but you most definately will not be forgotten. Take this time out for yourself okay hun? Chin up my dear. Time WILL heal the wound :)

    Hugs and kisses from me to you :)


  87. You looks super lovely. That dress is very pretty!

    Sorry to hear about the boyfriend... but well done for making that decision if you felt that's what was right. Never easy. Sending you a big hug!


  88. I'm sorry, dear. It's all right, the blogging world can wait.

  89. ah, sorry to hear about your break up,. It sounds cliched but time really DOES heal all, and while your waiting for time to make its moves, try to distract yourself as bet you can.

    on a brighter note: i love red on you!

    - frouu/ nadia

  90. red looks so good on you. sorry to hear about you and boyf. everything happens for a reason though. been there... start loving urself again before u find someone else to love;)

  91. you look lovely. sorry about your breakup. you will be fine.

  92. Your dress fits great and it looks pretty.
    About the breakup, you are right, you should take all the time you need. After long break ups it is just hard to consider yourself apart from your ex.

    But after a while, I think you will grow into yourself more from this. It will be alright

  93. oh sorry to hear that
    i know how it feels.
    i also broke up with my bf of 2 yrs not so long ago. i was sad.
    at first it is hard to know the fact that he is no longer by your side, everything seems to be different.
    but you're right life goes on
    it's a big world out there and believe me you still got lotsa friends
    and if life gives you chance, maybe someday you can be back again with him
    be strong, i know you're a great girl!
    ah and i love your outfit as always ;)


  94. Hey, I'm really sorry. I hope you'll feel better soon. You look gorgeous though.

  95. so pretty ! red really fits you !

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