Monday, November 10, 2008

Epson printers suck

Dress - Forever 21
Headband - Zouk Flea Market
Shoes - Far East Plaza

I have been spending all day trying to print lecture notes from my printer. But it either prints half the page only or not at all. What the hell.

I actually dragged myself out of the house for the Service lecture today. At 9AM. Honestly, it has been months since I am at a lecture so early. & I need my lecture notes if not all I will be doing is daydreaming in lecture! Urgh. Never buy Epson printers! I got it for 6 months & it died on me 3 times already!

Anyway, back to the outfit. I love polka dots. I think it must be pretty obvious already. The print cheers me up all the time! I don't get the hate towards polka dots. They are so fun to wear!

I wore this last Saturday when the boyf brought me on a trip to buy cute cartoon stationaries to cheer me up. We left the store wit matching Marvel Heroes pencil cases ( HULK & IRON MAN <3 ). It even comes wit matching mechanical pencils, pens & ruler! Hahah so adorable.

Unknowingly I have typed so long when I really should be revising & fixing the stupid useless Epson printer. Urgh. Did I mention my mum bought me really awesome yellow flats from Cotton On today?! Ah I really need to fix my printer.


  1. that dress is adorable (i also adore the headband). and the shoes?! so, so cute.

  2. Yay, polka dots. I don't know anyone who can wear those dots better than you do, Qin. Nice touch with your hair band,

    Sorry to hear that you're having no end of trouble with the printer. well lucky for us we all use HP here. :)

  3. oh want a cool blog!!
    can i link you??

  4. Damn, I have the same dress too!!! But mine is from Valleygirl, Melbourne! I am beginning to be convinced we like the same things! :P

  5. Haha, I always flip out whenever electronic devices break down or don't work properly. Impatient and very un-techy of me!

    Cute dress, you always have great outfits!

  6. I laughed when I read Epson!!!

    Babe you look lovely, and I adore the dress... and the amazing lighting!!

    You have an award missy!!!

  7. effin adorable.

    ♥ you.

    ps. you've been tagged.

  8. Oh my dear, you look really great.
    So cute with your polka dot dress.
    Love it. And the yellow flats surely will look great on you.

    Oh prints.... when hardware has personality, like I use to say, it's terrible, lol.

    Take care dear.

  9. Nice F21 dress! You have to try the scarf on head thing.. its so much fun!

    I tagged you on my blog by the way.. have a nice week!

  10. Hi there-so pretty in polka dots, this dress is lovely my dear!!

  11. So cute!! I love your girlish look on the elevator :)
    and your last outfit was amazing so partygirl :D

  12. Aw, I want cartoon stationary!

    Love your dress =)

  13. That dress is sweet and I like the orange bag a lot as an eyecatcher


  14. I love spots (not on my face though)! Have you seen the Commes Des Garcon collection for H&M yet??

    Thanks for your comment my dear! You are too kind.


    YOU are so very pretty!!

  16. I love polka dots too. They add a dose of cuteness to any outfit, and that dress is definitely a cutie.


  17. Super cute dress, and sorry about your stupid printer. :( Never had that brand of printer, but ah, before the printer I have now I had one that unless you bought this certain kind of super expensive paper, there would be a paper jam everytime you tried to print! Ugh.


  18. You rock the polka dots look!

    juliet xxx

  19. Cute! The bag, where is it from? Why are polkadots called POLKAdots? Mysterious... :)

    xoxox, Jo

  20. Wow, that really sucks. I've had my printer do something similar before and I was frustrated almost to tears! I love what you're wearing though, the pattern is great!

  21. Awww your boyf is so sweet! And I am with you on those printers that just decide to go BERSERK whenever they feel like doing so... my printer went crazy 5 hours before my flight 2 months back... as a result I had to present a flight itinerary in PINK ink! That was mortifying! Those people behind the business class counter kept pointing me to the Economy class -- probably because I looked like I couldnt affort a decent printer heeehee

    I love your dress!! It's so cute and so YOU!

  22. poor thing! Get a Canon next time...

  23. you are the queen of polka dots and the princess of cuteness! love the outfit. pretty amazing.

  24. Love the polkadots and bracelets. Good luck with the printer!

  25. Hiii ^^
    How is it going??
    I have been busy these days with some stuff for Fashion Design, sorry!
    I DO love your dress, is sooo nice!! perfect outfit indeed!! =) and I also like a lot the dress in the post before!

  26. oh I love your polka dot dress! It's so gorgeous :D

    And I always have trouble with my printer too :( I just don't think it likes me!

  27. That dress is tres cute!

    Omg how annoying about the printer, and waking up early boo hoo!
    You wouldn't happen to do services marketing?? I am doing that subject this sem and have my exam soon YUCK

  28. I think it just comes with the territory when you have a printer in your home. They're designed to break. You just gotta make due with what they provide at school.

  29. not that this has much relevance to ur post but iron man was a great movie :)

  30. I have an epson but it works pretty faithfully! I love the polka dots!

  31. looooove the dress and btw, your boyf is sooo kind!

  32. Haha, you need to go all office-space on it and beat it up. Always solves the issue.

    I'm loving the polkadots, and that bag is gorgeous. Your bfs Bape hoodie is pretty sweet too, i'm jealous.

  33. OH I KNOW, blink-182 + break-up = major letdown :( Haha, and with Travis in the hospital, I don't see a chance of a reunion soon.. =:X

    Your love for polka dots like, affirms, your retro style ;) Ha Lexmark printers suck too...


  34. That's a really sweet dress yiqin - i love polka dots!

    9 A.M? I wish that was the time I had to leave home. I have to get out of the house around 7 every morning...not the greatest feeling at all!

  35. That dress is so cute! I love the polka dots.

  36. you look adorable! that is the cutest dress i've seen!

    La C

  37. love your matchy match dress and headband! it looks cute on you!

    P.S. I have also same experience with the epson printer. Now I'm using my old but reliable HP deskjet ;)

  38. that dress is SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE

    the bow at the top is a great touch

    ooohhh hulk & iron man stationary? gettin' me some of that...


  39. I really hope your printer gets working again :(

    That being said, THIS IS SO ADORABLE! It's like the headband and dress were made for each other!

  40. I really hope your printer gets working again :(

    That being said, THIS IS SO ADORABLE! It's like the headband and dress were made for each other! (SORRY IF THIS DOUBLE POSTS)

  41. I adore polka dots too! And argh.. printers. They never work when you need them to, and in moments of desperation, it gets all wonky! I feel your pain.

  42. Oh yeah, I saw that picture where the ABBA members were all naked, but I wasn't sure if that was the greatest depiction of their style. Haha. Anyway, I love love love your polka dotted dress! It's adorable and quite 60s! You should try HP printers! They're quite least, I think so.

  43. oh no...i'm sorry to hear about your printer woes. i've always used epson at work and we've never had any major problems w/them.

    hey, but at least you look awesome in polka dots!

  44. aww i hope your knee is feeling better, you def pull off the polkadots, uber cute. and booo epson, i have an industrial printer so i'm set. but i'm willing to protest the epson printers with you anyhow!

  45. I love how the dress matches your headband, so cute!!

    Also, IRON MAN, YAY :D

  46. thanks! Those shoes are probably one of the best purchases I have made!

  47. i love that outfit~ polka dots are such wonderful things!
    good luck with the printer dear:)
    x ashley

  48. Lovely dress! The headband is such a perfect match too :)
    Ahh I remember printing lecture notes at uni, there were so many I think that's what acctually killed my printer in the end haha

  49. very cute dress
    and yellow flats? you should make a picture of it love to see it ^^

  50. Your dress is so cool!! Where was that picture taken?
    Printers do suck sometimes.. I had an Epson too and it sucked, now I have a Canon. Wow, I always have to get up at 6:35AM.. But yesterday I was really damn tired because Sunday is the only day I can sleep in, so I really slept in, which had as a consequence that I couldn't sleep until 1:30AM yesterday.
    You really do make polka dots look fun. There are some emo kids out there that make them look the opposite, but I love your cute dress and the way you wear it.
    LOL cartoon stationary is the best! I have to buy some with Superman (he's a classic ^^)..
    Your mum's really nice to have bought you some shoes! I wanna see a pic of them too!

  51. Love the bag and the dress is totally adorable!

  52. you my dear is one of the most adorable bloggers out there! i always love your outfits. so cute! :)

  53. GUAPA!
    (look at google traductor, spanish- english :D)


  54. POLKA DOTS<3 I love them! You're so adorable and sweet, always!

  55. omgee that dress is cute! haha i love those pencil cases with all the stuff that comes with it :D

  56. I love the way you look-so girly and cute-super cute even:)The dress's perfection:)

  57. You look so cute in your dress! Hope you manage to fix your computer, I hate it when they decide that they don't want to work! How lucky you are to get new shoes from your mum! I don't think mine would know where to start!

  58. ahh, long time no talk! lol, that dress is fabulous! i know what you mean about lectures and all. i haven't done a post in so long because of college :\

  59. Cute polka dots! It s such a lovely dress.

    Have i mentioned i love your glasses as well!? They are brilliant, the perfect thickness etc. Gorgeous! x

  60. Oooh, love the bow, and the polka dots. Don't be scared about the work experience - it's mostly fun!

  61. Pretty pretty pretty dress. By the way, you've been tagged!

  62. you're always so cute! i lurves iit!

  63. i am out of black ink and have been printing in color for the last few weeks. haha. now my color is starting to die on me as well.

    i think polka dots are okay. it depends on what it is and the look you're going for. i don't own many pieces with polka dots though.

  64. you are too adorable, qin! I love those polka dots on you, you really pull it off well. and the bow.. ah, charming as ever.

    I wanna see those shoes! :)

    ♥ R

    P.S. get an HP printer, they rock!

  65. An Iron Man pencil case sounds pretty epic. I really like the polka dot dress.

  66. what a beautiful dess! i really like the bracelets, too!

  67. your dress is in the 60's style, and I love this style:)

  68. love the matching headband. and i was tortured by bad printers in college - so frustrating!

  69. Ugh yes me too, epson: never again. everything was fine in the beginning, but after a while he started acting all crazy! damn those printers!

  70. this is the first time i have been able to reach your site! yay!

  71. Very sweet... I love that the headband matches the dress so well...

    Sorry for your printer troubles, argh....

  72. Adorable as always!

    I'm sorry to hear about your printer. I have an Epson too, and it's getting up to all sorts of antics these days.

  73. Sorry about your printer I used to have simalr problem. I love your dress and polka dots too my mom won't let me buy anymore polka dots

  74. Hope your printer is working now!
    I love your outfit- it is so cheerful and you look terrific in it!

  75. Your dress is simply adorable! And agreed about the printers.

  76. LOVE the blaire headband. you look great when you smile.

  77. Wow, this outfit is so cute :D! I also want to wear dresses, but I have to wear big jackets and huge scarves and gloves, or else I'll not survive the cold days. :(

  78. Gosh, that dress is too adorable!
