I love this!! :D We found it at Chinatown after we bought our beads & I HAD to get it!!! I love the icing on top of it!! I was eating it throughout the movie & the boyf got pissed off because I only ate the icing & threw away the biscuit. But well, the biscuit didn't taste THAT good!
Anyway, The Orphanage was freaky. Even the guys were freaking out. I can't believe it is only PG. Almost everyone in the cinema was above 16 & most of them were screaming. & Sweeney Todd is so mild, YET they made it M18 & I couldn't watch Johnny Depp on the big screen because I am 17 & a half years old. Pfft.
I wore the polka dot skirt I got from Zouk Flea & I absolutely love it! :D A polka dots skirt HAS to be matched wit polka dots accessories so I wore my polka dot headband & polka dots bangle! Whee.
T-shirt - Threadless
Skirt - Zouk Flea
Belt - Chinatown
Headband - Zouk Flea
Flats - Bugis Street
I LOVE those red beads!! They look really gorgeous! The blue & red bracelet's the boyf's! I shall go down again & get the red beads for myself :D Fir loves those beads a lot cause Akuma Gouki wears them! I have no idea who that guy is but I am glad the boyf's starting to wear accessories cause accessories are a very big part of me!
I saw this photo on Face Hunter & now I WANT polka dots stockings!! I am also very jealous of girls who can look so incredibly chic wit short hairstyles. I just look like a very weird looking boy when I have short hair. Gah.
Akuma is my favorite street fighter ok!!.. lol btw now i love your clothing!!! love love yiqin.. take care